Welcome to GrapevineProperties.com! Here you can search the entire DFW MLS for Homes, Land, and Acreage.
You can search listings with Interactive Maps by County, School District, Areas, Neighborhoods, Zip Code, Foreclosures, Owner Finance as well as traditional amenities.
You can also use the Interactive Google Mapping tool to locate listings. Our data is updated every morning and you can visually locate listings with embedded google mapping for all listings, view pictures, pricing and information for all listings. Our site is fully indexed and viewable by County, School District, Neighborhoods and Areas.
You can search our comprehensive neighorhood comparision where you can compare detailed pricing, price per foot, average days on market for most neighborhoods. If you are looking to buy or sell a home, piece or land or commercial location you have arrived at the right internet destination.
Our site has Metroplex Owner Finance Listings, Metroplex rent-to-own listings as updated by MLS. Status and prices are subject to change at any time.

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