Trimble & Lindsey Sec 1
This Listing is part of Tax ID#7205-0000-0147-000, for Tract C: a 26.30-acre tract of vacant land at southeast corner of Airway Lane and Travel Air Road. This plat includes Section One, Lots 333, 334, 320, 319, 318, 317 and 304, of the Trimble and Lindsey Survey in the City of Galveston, County of Galveston, and State of Texas. See attachments for Future Building Ideas, County Setback Requirements and additional instructions. ABST 121 THRU 80 ASSORTED LOTS (AIRPORT) TRIMBLE & LINDSEY S
Directions: 45S. Right on to 61st. Right on Seawall Blvd. To Pilot Road.
Courtesy: eXp Realty, LLC
MLS # 94790211